Turf 90 (Axcella)

Licensee: DLF International

  • fine texture turf-type annual ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum developed for winter overseeding dormant bermudagrass and other warm season turf and where rapid spring transition is desired
  • ideal for athletic fields (improved playfield wear, winter aesthetics and reduced player injury), golf course roughs, fairways and out-of-bounds areas, commercial sites and home lawns
  • can be mowed at a height from ½ to 2 inches
  • will require from one mowing or less per week in December, January, and February, but during March and April when the turf is in the most rapid growth stage, it may require from one to two mowings per week
  • will transition out from 4 to 6 weeks earlier than perennial ryegrass, has good winter hardiness (low as 15 F) and is greener than Gulf ryegrass